South Dock Street playground
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South Dock Street, Dublin 4
South Dock Street playground in the middle of Irishtown / Ringsend is a typical urban playground to keep kids occupied even if they are surrounded by more concrete than green. Although there is a small grassy area around the playground, I have never seen anyone to picnic, play ball games or frisbee there, it is usually used by dogs and their owners instead. The playground itself is a decent one: there are two baby swings and two other swings, two springers, a see-saw, two spinners, a roundabout swing and a slide unit with monkey bars that is more suitable for kids above 3, than for toddlers. Next to the fenced playground there is a football pitch / basketball court that is usually occupied by local teenagers.
How to get there: DART: Grand Canal Dock Bus: 1, 50, 56a, 77, 77a, 84n
Entry is free
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